Yeah, I’m loving having this tablet to sneak in some extra work on. Not as much drawing on it at night as I would like yet, a lot of learning curve stuff for file management and customization and such, but it’s great for updating this place.
Speaking of updating, I’ll give a quick rundown of what I’ve been working on before tackling the subject of this post. I didn’t get anything done on IPMDT! today. I made a requested tweak to my latest cover for one of L.S. Gagnon’s witch books, then I started working on the next one. It should be a good one if I pull it off right. I’m trying a new method (to me) for laying things out: compositing. I scoured the internet for a variety of reference photos for the scene, then cut and pasted various bits, resized things, and pieced together a very rough layout that I then started sketching on top of. The photos won’t show up in the final, it’s just a quick and accurate way to get an idea of where I’m going. Tomorrow I’ll be spending some more time on it, hopefully, and maybe I’ll sneak in a panel or two for the strip (perhaps even at night).
Anywho, on to the moleskin sketches! These are from the week I spent with the Boys Scouts at Camp Bell.
There you have it, the final installment of my 2016 summer camp sketches. I did fewer during my 7 days with the Boy Scouts than my 5 days with the Cub Scouts, but I also took training classes every day at Camp Bell. I did bring the tablet (nervously) along for the week, as well, so some of my drawing time was spent on that. I think I’ve finished that doodle I started, not sure it’s worth posting, but I probably will. It was just an exercise in experimenting with the Autodesk Sketchbook app as well as the tablet itself.
Speaking of drawing on the tablet, I should probably go try to squeeze some of that in before I ought to go to bed…
Please let me know what you think, it makes my brain happy.