Project Description

INKTOBER 52 2024 Week #28: RATTY.

“One of the few drawbacks to wearing a plunger as a hat…
I struggled with an idea for this one, but the thing that kept coming to mind was ‘ratty hair’. At this point, I’ve had long hair most of my life, but I’ve never been particularly great about taking care of it. As a result, I’m no stranger to tangles and knots, so it was pretty easy to ‘feel’ this one when I was drawing it. Now that I’m older, I’m a little better about trying to keep my hair less ratty, but I could still do better. I figure at some point I won’t have any hair left to worry about anyway.
I think this is the second time ever that I’ve drawn PMD sans-plunger hat. The other time was for an Inktober prompt back in 2019. It’s weird trying to figure out what his hair looks like, I haven’t quite made a final decision on it yet.”

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