Project Description

INKTOBER 52 2024 Week #30: MUTATION.

“I have long thought that in some alternate universe where circumstances were slightly different, cephalopods, with their intelligence and dexterity, might exploit the evolutionary niche currently occupied by primates had they evolved on land. There was one of those “after man” (it may even have been called that?) fake nature shows on The Discovery Channel or something at one point that explored that as a far future possibility.
Mutation and evolution have long fascinated me. Random changes that, if beneficial or at least neutral in their effect on survival and reproduction, stack over generations to eventually produce dramatically new life. I have always loved dreaming up new lifeforms and pondering how things might adapt to certain conditions. I think that interest is at least related to why I gravitated towards X-Men comics so much when I was younger. All those unbelievable abilities and superpowers were roughly explained through evolutionary terms, which made them seem plausible and therefore believable and relatable.
Anyway, this was a fun PMD variant to draw. Squid Monkey Dynamo, perhaps? I’ll probably have to do something bigger with this idea at some point. I’ve kicked around a video game idea involving either a squid mutation or a squid suit with some of the abilities being to stick to surfaces and swing through the environment, and it’s connected to a PMD graphic novel idea. I think I need to mutate the ability to clone myself, or to slow down time or something so I can tackle all these ideas in my Brain.”

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