Project Description

INKTOBER 52 2024 Week #31: BEAN.

“There’s really no product that can’t be improved by adding Plunger Monkey. Don’t worry, there’s a disclaimer on the back confirming that grilled monkey beans do not actually contain any monkeys, the name is purely based on how much simians love them. Probably. The beans are suspended in a delicious, protein-fortified, pureed bacon sauce, though.
In all seriousness, I sometimes daydream (that’s a lie. I daydream most of the time) about a future where Plunger Monkey is a household name. I think about these crazy merchandizing and branding things, and I wonder if I would actually pursue any of it. I’m not terribly materialistic. I don’t like having a lot of “stuff” and clutter (though I have accumulated plenty over the decades). However, there are some things that might be good ideas from a business perspective. Shirts are a no-brainer; I already make and sell those. Figurines or action figures would be pretty darn cool. Maybe some yellow-flowered purple shorts would be fun. But a box of tea, a bag of crackers, a bottle of not-hot sauce, a can of beans (all of which I’ve drawn for Inktobers before)…I don’t know. I think about the approach the great Bill Watterson took with ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ and how he refused to license his characters out or get involved in any merchandising, despite the massive popularity of the strip. He didn’t want to cheapen the integrity of his creation. I guess as long as I stayed in control of the PMD empire and had final say on what he was and wasn’t associated with, things that made sense, were fun, appropriate, and of high quality, I could ensure that his – and my – integrity is maintained.
I’m still a long way off from needing to worry about making those decisions, but hopefully someday.”

Do you enjoy my Plunger Monkey Inktoberings? Would you like to have a bunch of them in your very own hands while supporting the pursuit of my dreams? Go grab a copy of Inklings on today!