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INKTOBER 52 2024 Week #38: CHASE.

“Get it? Wild goose chase? Yeah. I don’t have much to say about this one. I suppose I could go on a random tangent about the few years we had geese as part of our flock of ducks. We have since switched to chickens because waterfowl just make a huge mess, but I love duck eggs. Bigger and richer than chicken eggs. Goose eggs are like duck eggs on steroids, about the size of a tennis ball. We’d only get one every few weeks or so, and not even consistently, but they were tasty. One day, our female goose refused to get off her egg, so I decided not to fight her for it. I never bothered to look up how long geese eggs take to hatch, but one day I walked into the coop and found a gosling with an injured wing. The father goose had gotten aggressive with it and managed to force him under the door into the entryway where I store the food. We had to raise that baby goose, one of our kids named him Chirplet, for several weeks until he was big enough to fend for himself, then we reintroduced him to the flock. Eventually Chirplet drove his father off (the birds were free range at that point). I wonder if he held a grudge? Anyway, geese were fun, goose eggs are tasty, and I’ll spare everyone the unexpected and tragic end to our waterfowl flock.”

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