Project Description

INKTOBER 52 2024 Week #41: NOMADIC.

“I’ve always liked the Tuskan Raiders/’Sand People’ from Tattooine. Back before the ‘Star Wars Expanded Universe’ really took off at Dark Horse Comics and gave greater insight into their culture, they were very mysterious. They had a cool look (and they rode around on Banthas!) that really fired up my imagination. I liked the fact that what they wore looked functional, like everything served a purpose for the environment they lived in (and they had lots of pouches on their belts and bandoliers. That’s just cool to me for some reason). I don’t know why that speaks to me so much, but I’m pretty sure it’s related to why I like hiking and camping, as well as designing and making my own clothing and gear (like belts and bandoliers with pouches…) for such adventures. A nomadic lifestyle is one that has always appealed to me, as well. When I was younger, I used to dream about graduating college and then living in an RV. Again, it’s related to my love of camping and being able to carry everything I need with me wherever I go. I like the simplicity of it in theory, even though I know it comes with a lot of challenges and hardships (and I’d personally have a hard time giving up my books and comics. I think I’d need a home base of sorts where I could store the things I couldn’t completely part with).
Oh yeah, according to ‘Wookiepedia’, Tuskans speak in ‘barks, grunts, and honks’.”

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