Project Description
INKTOBER 52 2024 Week #43: EXPEDITION.
“Going on adventures has always appealed to me. Grabbing some basic necessities and just heading off to explore the wilderness, whether it’s a forest, up a mountain, or into the desert. It’s why I like camping and hiking. It’s also one of the reasons archaeology has always fascinated me, too (well, Indiana Jones probably had something to do with it also). The world is a vast, old place with tons of amazing things to see and learn. The fact that there are structures, art, and artifacts from thousands of years ago that still exist and one can visit is mind boggling to me. I wonder about the individuals that were involved in the building, creation, and use of such things. What were they like? What were their lives like? Did they know what impact they would have on the future?
I also wonder how old civilization is. What else is out there to be found and what has been reclaimed by nature and lost forever? What history, information, and technology have been lost or forgotten? It’s likely impossible to know or deduce, which makes it all the more intriguing to think about.”
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Please let me know what you think, it makes my brain happy.