
Another Torso Decoration for You, and One for Me!

Wow, four weeks, four shirts posted to my Etsy shop! So far, I’m sticking to alternating between a PMD related shirt and some of my other designs, we’ll see how long that holds up, especially as I get through the existing designs and start generating new stuff. I actually didn’t tweak this week’s design at all. It’s a simple, bold, graphic image that I am still fairly happy with, so I decided not to muck with it.

Here’s what I had to say about this image in the Etsy posting: This image is

A NEW Awesome Shirt of Awesomeness for Awesome People!

Another week, another shirt! But first, some other stuff…

I was a bit ahead of the game last week, having managed to stick to tweaking and uploading a new shirt and having completed multiple IPMDT panels a day for several days, so I decided to get distracted with another project: my ultimate survival wool blanket coat. I have always thought it would be cool to make my own clothes, and not just putting my art on shirts. I remember thinking how cool it was that my memere was a seamstress and she would either alter clothes or flat out make outfits

Torso Decorations!

Hey, there. ‘Sup?

Oh, me? Not much, other than I FINALLY GOT MY FLIPPIN’ ETSY SHOP UP AND RUNNING!!!!!!

I know, right? Keep your ears peeled for the pounding hoofs of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. But until they arrive, you can finally BUY something from me.

It’s a weird thing, selling stuff (or trying to). I’ve always struggled with the concept of applying a monetary value to the things I create, because at the end of the day, I’m going to create them regardless. It’s that whole artist compulsion thingy. However, I can rationalize that it takes time, something some

Gallery Update: THE ART OF STAR WARS (the Klondike…)

I’m alive! You didn’t believe me when I said it before, several times, over on Face Book, did you? But I wasn’t lying. I am, indeed, still alive. And, I’ve made some significant changes to the site! Whadaya think? Aside from some cosmetic changes in a few spots, the two biggest alterations were made to the PMD Brainisms and everything that is IPMDT. The Brainism image is now interactable (I don’t care what you say, spellcheck, that’s a word)! You can swipe left and right with your mouse to view some of the previous Brainisms (though not the original ones,

Gallery Update: Stuff and Things

Creative title, right? Can you tell I’m tired and worn out? It’s been a challenging few weeks since our son’s diagnosis. He’s doing fine, by the way. We are all adjusting to the new normal, though I feel like I’m struggling to get back into some kind of routine. I’m hopeful things will smooth out even more next week.

I’m currently visiting family and making good use of the new iPad Pro to finish this site update that I started earlier today before the chaos that is packing and prepping for a weekend away. I’m really loving this new device, particularly

Inside Toby’s Brain: MediBANG!

You thought I was going to forget to update the site this week, didn’t you? DIDN’T YOU!?

Me too. But I ‘membered.

I think this may be the last of the big catching up posts. About a year ago, when my Samsung tablet still had that new tablet smell, I was looking for the “perfect” drawing app to suit my needs (I’ve got several favorites, but the search will continue). I stumbled across the free app, Medibang Paint. It looked pretty robust, and it was free, but the interface was “weird”, so I set it aside and decided to focus on the

Gallery Update: Still Catching Up…

Oooh! Three weeks in a row? Something like that? I may catch up on all the ideas for blog posts yet…

Don’t get your hopes up, though. Life is still happening.

Anywhat, before I go back a few weeks…or months…I’ll post this:

My awesome wife picked up on the fact that my favorite ballpoint pens for drawing were running out, so she did a little research and found me (and the kids) some cool pens. They’re nothing special, amazingly, just Amazon Basic 1.0. But, they work really well. They have good flow and are very

Gallery Update: A Moleskin Story

Alright, two weeks in a row of updating the website! Shall we take bets on how long the streak will last? I vote for Q, because my brain.

Speaking of spelling (I know we weren’t, but my brain and I were), am I even spelling “moleskin” correctly? I’ve noticed it autocorrects to “moleskinE”, which doesn’t make much sense to me phonetically, unless I’ve been pronouncing it wrong all these years as well. Either way, I don’t care, so let’s move on.

If you actually had the interest or patience to have read last week’s blog entry, you may recall

Gallery Update: The Moleskin Awakens!

Hi! Yes, I’m still alive. I don’t know why I need to keep reassuring everyone of that. Why is everyone expecting me to be dead? Maybe you just like the sense of elation you feel when you realize I’m still breathing and working towards my Artistic Destiny (TM)? Whatever it is, I’m still here.

Now that the kids are back in school and all on the same bus schedule (gone are the days of 3+ bus stops a day for me. I drop them off at the bus stop at 6:30am, they walk home after getting off the bus in the

Gallery Update: I’m Baaaack

Hello! I’m back from my two weeks in the woods wrangling Cub and Boy Scouts! It was a great experience (and with the week at Cub Scout camp being my fifth and final, it was a bit emotional), but very draining. I’m still trying to get back into the swing of things and remember what the heck I was doing before I left. In the meantime, I thought it best to catch up on some posting while my brain sorts itself out.

Waaaaaaaay back at the end of June, my youngest son finished out his last days in our little elementary

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