
STOP! Moleskin Time.

Hey, look at that. I posted last week and said I would post this week, and here I am doing what I said I was going to do. Time to post the annual summer camp moleskin sketches.

As I mentioned last week, summer camp this year was an emotionally challenging one for me. It is the first year since I became a leader and started attending summer camp that my middle son did not camp. My oldest son has always been more on the extroverted side with plenty of self-confidence when it’s needed. He was the one who wanted to join


Look! A consistent posting pattern! How long will it last?

I can’t answer that, so enjoy it while it lasts.

In case the title wasn’t obvious enough, I’ve decided Friday is going to be New Shirt Friday. At least until I make it through the various new shirt ideas I’ve got. This week’s offering targets a particular nitch. Well, I guess you could say all my shirts target specific nitches of one kind or another (like fans of monkeys with plungers on their heads. That’s pretty specific). I am a self-proclaimed metal head. I’m not a die-hard concert goer (because people. I’ve

Gallery Update: Revenge of the Moleskin

It’s that time of year again: the annual summer camp moleskin sketchbook sketches update thingy! Of course, there’s a few things to take note of this time around.

Firstly, this was the first time I’ve had all 3 of my sons, all now in the troop that I am the scoutmaster for, at the same camp. This meant, for the first time in many years, I only had ONE week of summer camp to go to. Don’t get me wrong, I love camping, I love the outdoors, I love having these wonderful memories (as well as some frustrating ones, to be

Gallery Update: A Moleskin Story

Alright, two weeks in a row of updating the website! Shall we take bets on how long the streak will last? I vote for Q, because my brain.

Speaking of spelling (I know we weren’t, but my brain and I were), am I even spelling “moleskin” correctly? I’ve noticed it autocorrects to “moleskinE”, which doesn’t make much sense to me phonetically, unless I’ve been pronouncing it wrong all these years as well. Either way, I don’t care, so let’s move on.

If you actually had the interest or patience to have read last week’s blog entry, you may recall

Gallery Update: The Moleskin Awakens!

Hi! Yes, I’m still alive. I don’t know why I need to keep reassuring everyone of that. Why is everyone expecting me to be dead? Maybe you just like the sense of elation you feel when you realize I’m still breathing and working towards my Artistic Destiny (TM)? Whatever it is, I’m still here.

Now that the kids are back in school and all on the same bus schedule (gone are the days of 3+ bus stops a day for me. I drop them off at the bus stop at 6:30am, they walk home after getting off the bus in the

Gallery Update: Moleskin Madness! Part C-Bell Unleashed

Yeah, I’m loving having this tablet to sneak in some extra work on. Not as much drawing on it at night as I would like yet, a lot of learning curve stuff for file management and customization and such, but it’s great for updating this place.

Speaking of updating, I’ll give a quick rundown of what I’ve been working on before tackling the subject of this post. I didn’t get anything done on IPMDT! today. I made a requested tweak to my latest cover for one of L.S. Gagnon’s witch books, then I started working on the next one. It should

Gallery Update: Moleskin Madness! Part 2-The Camping Strikes Back

Yes, kiddos, this is indeed my THIRD post this week. Having this tablet allows me to putter away at things during times when I’d normally not be able to be very productive (though right now, given the time of day, I could be in my studio, but I’m still recovering from being sick, my foot hurts, and lounging on the couch with my leg up is much more appealing than being in my studio chair right now).

Alright, time for round two of the recent moleskin sketching bonanza. These sketches were done while I was at Camp Carpenter with my youngest (still

Gallery Update: Moleskin Madness! Part One-Enter the Random

Phew! I’m back! I managed to get quite a bit of drawing in during my two weeks at camp, thanks to my trusty moleskin sketchbook. However, I’m so behind on updating this site, that I still have some moleskin sketches from before I left to share. I don’t want to overload anyone with a super image intense post, so I’ll do this in three parts (all with snazzy titles). This particular post will contain the stuff from before camp, the second post will be from my first week of camp, and the third post will encompass my sketches from the

Gallery Update: It’s Tick Season…Yay.

It’s been a little while since an update. I’ve been plenty busy both in the studio and out. I’m wrapping up the camp shirt design, I think I’m done with another project for my cousin (still waiting for final word), finally finished up a gift/project for my nephew that became more involved than I originally thought (I got carried away), as well as finished up yet another project (that I can’t post about until next week…you’ll know why when you see it), all while churning away on the comic strip. Outside of the studio, there’s been a few camping trips

Gallery Update: Look! Up in the Sky! It’s a Bird! It’s a…Well, It Is a Bird…

It’s been far too long since I’ve updated the site (I hate how much I say that…I hate how much I say “I hate how much I say that” when referencing how long it’s been since I’ve updated the site, too). As usual: life. I have something biggish planned that is slowly in the works. I was close to having it ready last week, but ran into a hiccup. I’m excited about it, but y’all will just have to be excited about my vagueness…though if you’ve been paying attention to the tobysbrain facebook page, you’ve probably already got

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