
What Time Is It?

It’s Plunger Monkey Dynamo Time!

(That’s the answer to the question/title of this post…in case you didn’t read the title)

Did you happen to notice? I posted a new IPMDT strip for the first time in, like, a year. Literally. I had said a week or so ago that I was aiming to start working on the strip again this past Monday (which happened to be June 1. Now, I view dates as random in general, but sometimes certain things happen on certain dates and the coincidence makes my Brain happy. First IPMDT panel in a year on the first day of

Toby’s Brain: The Movies are now HERE!

It has been a busy week! Not as much actual drawing as I’d like, but I’ve made some good progress on some “business” goals. The biggest deal is that I finally got myself a proper YouTube channel (there should be a link in the sidebar…somewhere. Have I mentioned I’m not terribly competent with the ‘puter stuff? Just in case, this link should get you there…). It even has two whole videos on it! I spend a lot of time watching other artists draw whilst waxing eloquently about art and their process. It’s great inspiration and a good way to

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