The end of February isn’t too late to talk about last xmas, is it? Or the last five xmases? I’m still catching up on blog post ideas I had but didn’t have the studio time to put together. Anyway, at some point over the last several years, I started trying to personalize a few of the annual xmas card envelopes with some PMD themed randomness. I think I started out with just 3 recipients, but now I’m up to 6 or so. If I had the time (and the ideas), I would do it for everyone I send a card to. But, until I can figure out how to access my super powers and slow time down, everyone will just have to settle with the pictures.
From 2011:

I think these first 3 (I can’t be certain that I accurately kept track of things, but I believe these are teh very first envelopes I did…anyone out there who knows otherwise should let me know and hopefully provide a picture, since I failed to take one before it went in the mail.) went to some of my closest friends who also have some kind of creative background (artists or writers, friends I either made during art school or just after).

Bacon has made quite a few guest appearances on the envelopes, because what says xmas better than bacon? Also of note is that one of my best friends had a baby this year, hence the first envelope.

Look, more bacon for xmas! Star Wars has been another theme to pop up.
That last envelope requires a bit of an explanation…see, one of my best friends (Jorj) and I occasionally get into meme wars on FB. One of the ones I frequently throw out there is this one:

This image cracks me up every time I see it.
Moving on…2014:

Squids. Squids show up a lot, too. By way of explaining some of these…another friend had a baby that year, so PMD got him a gift on the second envelope. My friend Jorj and I have a history of epic Tekken matches, hence #3. My other best friend Bill and I have a major Star Wars connection, so he got #4 (and the previous Wookie one). My cousin Cheryl had a problem with a squirrel getting into her house that year, thus PMD offered to help on #5.
And finally, 2015:

#1-More Star Wars for Bill, 2 (3?) years in a row with the approach of EpVII #2-Xmas number 2 for my friend’s kid, so he gets the traditional Multipurpose Novelty Squid #3-Jorj gets KHAAAANNNNN!!!!!…just because. #4-I kinda want to turn this one into an actual ornament down the road… #5-PMD checking in on Cheryl’s squirrel problem from last year. #6-My nephew likes monkeys, and he likes my PMD Time shirt, so this was for him (and his ‘rents).
And there you have it. What will Xmas 2016 bring? It’s waaaaaaaaaaay too early to think about that, though, as I mentioned in the caption, I’m contemplating coming up with an idea to do some little PMD ornaments that I might be able to send out to everyone…we’ll see how the year goes.
Alright, return to the present!
Please let me know what you think, it makes my brain happy.