Project Description


“Leonardo Da Vinci has always been one of my favorite Renaissance era artists. His paintings were okay in my opinion (though I completely appreciate their significance), but what really caught my eye as a young artist and inspired me most were his drawings. His anatomical illustrations were fascinating. He was highly skilled at representing shape, volume, light and perspective. It’s possible he even invented the art of caricature with a series of over-exaggerated portraits and sketches he did.
Da Vinci was the definition of a ‘Renaissance Man’. He was a painter, sculptor, engineer, scientist, and more. He was a true creative thinker and a master inventor. His designs for various machines have long fascinated me, in part because I think my brain operates in a similar fashion. I like to draw and paint and tell stories, but I also derive a great deal of pleasure from inventing, making, and building things. My brain often wanders to structures, bags, coats, survival equipment, camping gear, exercise devices and other things that I design and sometimes make time to build. I spend a lot of ‘free’ time scribbling down notes and schematics for those creations, trying to come up with creative solutions to some of the problems or needs I have. I think it’s just part of having a creative brain.
Oh, yeah. The prompt is ‘golden’. After much pondering, I went with the idea of ‘the golden ratio’, a topic Da Vinci spent some time thinking about, and lead to his famous ‘Vitruvian Man’ illustration. As inspired as I am by him, I’m certainly no Da Vinci, but here’s my ‘Vitruvian Monkey’ anyway…his proportions may not be quite as ‘golden’.”

Are you enjoying these monkey-filled pen and ink illustrations? Would you like to see even more of them, and be able to hold them in your very own hands? Then grab yourself a copy of my Inktober art book INKLINGS: