Project Description

INKTOBER 52 2024 Week #37: TATTOO.

“I don’t have any tattoos. There was a time in my youth where I wanted to get some, and, like anything art related, I wanted to design them myself. It wasn’t long before I realized what a bad idea that would be because I’m never satisfied with my art, I never consider any of my art ‘done’, and I’m constantly changing my mind. Like take right now, for example. When I came up with the idea for this prompt, I quickly thought about the ‘tattoo’ PMD would be giving himself would be a take on the squid image I drew for my book ‘Inklings’. I thought it’s similar enough looking to those stereotypical tribal barbed wire tattoos the gym bros get on their arms that it made for a funny illustration. In all honesty, I kinda think it would make a cool tattoo, which I wouldn’t be able to get had I gotten whatever I dreamed up in my early 20s. Tattoos are fun to design for characters and things, but I made the right choice never getting any. They’re just way too permanent. I can’t even imagine being a tattoo artist for others. I have known a few casually, and at least one suggested I get into the industry when I was younger. Again, though, too permanent. What if I made a mistake? You can’t exactly erase a tattoo. Well, not without lasers, I guess. Way too much pressure for me.”

Do you enjoy my Plunger Monkey Inktoberings? Would you like to have a bunch of them in your very own hands while supporting the pursuit of my dreams? Go grab a copy of Inklings on today!