The bulk of my Inktober 2018 offerings came in
Lee’s Dragons: Sea Dragon
For the last few years, I've drawn dragons for
Moleskin Sketch Camp Bell 2018 #12
The last camp drawing of 2018. Maybe I'll remember
Moleskin Sketch Camp Bell 2018 #11
The waterfront gets hit with some nice lighting throughout
Moleskin Sketch Camp Bell 2018 #10
Can't have a week at camp without drawing at
Moleskin Sketch Camp Bell 2018 #9
What's the sketch equivalent of photobombing? Sketchbombing? I had
Moleskin Sketch Camp Bell 2018 #8
More table and rock! This is one of the
Moleskin Sketch Camp Bell 2018 #7
There was some nice morning light coming through the
Moleskin Sketch Camp Bell 2018 #6
I loved this tree in our campsite. I wanted
Moleskin Sketch Camp Bell 2018 #5
There was some cool textures, volume, and sunlight happening