This is the current incarnation of my character Ostogri. As
Revery Page 2
This is the second page of my graphic novel Revery.
Cub Scout Summer Camp Shirt 2014
To help us keep track of all the boys in

Jorj and Toby’s Mexellentacular UMassD Adventures
Here's a double blast from the past-not only is this
Flying Whales
This drawing is one of the first "finished" pieces of
Spirit of the Earth
This was a concept piece I did back in 2004ish
Revery Sketchbook: Gullrays
These are a few sketches of a critter from the
Revery Sketchbook: Adarax
This is a page of Adarax sketches I did after
Mr. Lips MacDoogal
This is another random sketch my brain spit out for