
Sketchbook: Camp Sketches

The relentlessly hectic pace of summer continues on. I spent last week at Cub Scout camp with my two youngest boys. It was a great week. We had beautiful weather and the boys were all well behaved and had a lot of fun. It was a little bitter-sweet for me, as the week drew to a close, it really started to sink in that this was my middle son’s last year of Cub Scout camp. He’s been 3 years in a row, and I’ve attended with him each time. I’ve watched my shy, introverted son who feared anything new grow

Sketchbook: Chimera Doodle Gallery Update

Yes, I know, it’s Tuesday, not Monday. For those of you who follow me on the Books of Faces, you know why. For those of you who don’t, basically, I spent yesterday eyeball deep (my eyeballs, not Willy’s) in the lovely aromas associated with fixing a plumbing problem. Why not just call a plumber, you ask? Cuz I’m me, that’s why.

Anywhat, ever since my amazing wife gave me a Vest of Holding for Father’s Day (so I can carry all the things), I’ve taken to carrying some art supplies with me whenever I leave the house. This is

Sketch Book: Polar Chimera

(Yes, that’s yet another “new” logo/variation…I can’t stop!)

So I’ve had griffons and chimeras on the brain lately. I’m not positive what started it specifically, other than seeing some beautiful artistic interpretations while browsing through Pinterest looking for visual inspiration. One artist, who goes by RobtheDoodler on deviantart.com , did some wonderful owl cat griffon drawings that really got my brain spinning (go check out the series of drawings he did of his critter, they’re awesome!). What would various griffons look like with different combinations of birds and cats? Why not different sizes? What about other mixes of animals?

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