
Gallery Update: Happy Graduation, “Jack”! (and some other stuff)

Hey, maybe I’m back on track with site updates! Of course, this is the last week of school for my kids, so who knows what next week will bring.

Anyway, I’m powering through a headache to bring you this:

Toby-Gray-PMD-David-graduation Better take the warning seriously…

Hopefully this arrived in time for his college graduation party yesterday, otherwise…oops. One of my cousins, who really shouldn’t be old enough because time shouldn’t be moving forward, graduated from college recently. His family threw him a party yesterday, but, being 2+ hours away and busy, we weren’t able to

Gallery Update: Random Doodleage…and another reveal…

Still not ready for the PMD themed post (I won’t say retrospective again…wait…), still too much editing and still hoping to get a few pictures or scans of some PMD cards I’ve sent out over the years. In the meantime I’m edging closer to getting my shirt designs uploaded, which is inching me closer to opening the “shop”. I’m also designing some shirts for my oldest son’s Boy Scout troop and trying to source a local print shop to handle the job.

Anywhat, I thought I’d add some more random art to the gallery. The Vampire Banana featured above was an

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