
Make Mine Marvel

Well, true believers, I don’t have it in me to be particularly fun and witty right now. It wouldn’t be terribly appropriate, either.

I’m guessing if you’re a regular reader (all 2 of you) or if you’ve found your way here somehow, you probably know who Stan Lee is and undoubtedly heard about his passing on November 12, 2018. His is a name that can be placed on the same list of world renowned creators who have had a major impact not just on future generations of creators but on entire cultures alongside the likes of Walt Disney (and probably George

Gallery Update: Here Be Dragons!

Everyone loves dragons, right?

Of course. But few love them as much as my wife.

It’s birthday time for my wife again, which means another dragon wallpaper from me! I went back to Procreate for this one and spent over a week noodling away at it. Here’s a breakdown of how it came together.

The first step to any art I create-whether it’s digital or traditional, whether the media is pencil, ink, or paint-I start with a rough drawing. I knew I was going to draw a dragon. I even knew it would be a

Toby’s Brain: The Movies are now HERE!

It has been a busy week! Not as much actual drawing as I’d like, but I’ve made some good progress on some “business” goals. The biggest deal is that I finally got myself a proper YouTube channel (there should be a link in the sidebar…somewhere. Have I mentioned I’m not terribly competent with the ‘puter stuff? Just in case, this link should get you there…). It even has two whole videos on it! I spend a lot of time watching other artists draw whilst waxing eloquently about art and their process. It’s great inspiration and a good way to

Gallery Update: THE ART OF STAR WARS (the Klondike…)

I’m alive! You didn’t believe me when I said it before, several times, over on Face Book, did you? But I wasn’t lying. I am, indeed, still alive. And, I’ve made some significant changes to the site! Whadaya think? Aside from some cosmetic changes in a few spots, the two biggest alterations were made to the PMD Brainisms and everything that is IPMDT. The Brainism image is now interactable (I don’t care what you say, spellcheck, that’s a word)! You can swipe left and right with your mouse to view some of the previous Brainisms (though not the original ones,

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