Year End Review

As I currently type, we are being smacked with a snow/ice/sleet/thunderstorm. Hopefully the power stays on long enough for me to finish this and get it posted. 2019 has simultaneously felt incredibly long and stupidly short (like, really? There's only one more day left of 2019?). Before I get into everything that did (and didn't) happen this year, who wants to check out the annual xmas card envelope art? Anyone? Your opinion is irrelevant, because I'm going to show them anyway. This was the first envelope I drew in 2019, and it went to my sister. One of

December 30th, 2019|0 Comments

Inktober 2019: Now With 100% More Plungers!

I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do Inktober at all this year. I've had too many other things on my mind, too many other projects and outside "real life" stuff vying for my attention. I figured I had to at least give it a shot, though, and if I was going to bother, I needed to come up with something to make it even more interesting for myself. That's when I decided to incorporate PMD. I fell way behind right out of the gate, but the first several prompts inspired some pretty clear images

November 6th, 2019|0 Comments


  1. william gray March 8, 2018 at 5:43 pm

    Just read through all the PMD strips in sequence…a fun ride to be sure…can’t wait to see what happens in the labyrinth!

  2. william gray March 16, 2018 at 6:49 pm

    Hey, did you sell another PM Ninja to somebody else???

  3. Tobywan March 16, 2018 at 7:42 pm

    Yes! A friend’s wife (who is also a friend. I realized it might be a gift, so I’ll avoid posting names for the time being) ordered one! (Thank you, by the way, Tami. I expect pictures…)

  4. Duncan Gray August 7, 2020 at 12:56 pm

    A beautiful, touching tribute to our parents, grandparents, great grandparents (great-great grandparents?). Thanks ever so much for that.

Please let me know what you think, it makes my brain happy.

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