Update: I’m Alive
Yes indeed, I'm not dead! Yet! (I feel happy...) It's been far too long since I've updated, and almost as long since I've had consistent studio time. I spent almost all of June plowing through some house renovations (some of which have been on the "to do" list for 11 years, so it was about time anyway) that needed to be done before we hosted my wife's family for a reunion the first week of July. Between that and scout responsibilities, the studio time sadly gave way first. However, the family have returned to their respective parts of the country,
Gallery Update: Two People in the Hand is Worth…Um…
Look at that! Two weeks in a row! I'm surprising myself given how strapped for time and generally overwhelmed I am these days. I've been keeping busy in the studio as well as on the tablet at night (which might be leading to even more projects for my never ending list, which I'll talk about here in the near future). I had to divert from 10 Things again, this time to focus on tshirt designs for both the Boy Scout Troop (the one that I'm now Scoutmaster of) and the Cub Scout summer camp shirts (my last one! I'm struggling with
Gallery Update: Happy 2 Days After Mother’s Day 2017!
Well, hello there! Yes indeed, I am still alive! I realize it has been quite a while since the last site update, but if you've been following me on FB or Instagram, you know that although I've been extremely busy, I haven't been absent from the studio. Not completely, anyway. I'm even further behind on things I wanted to post about, so some of those ideas might just get canned (they probably weren't all that interesting to begin with). There have been a lot of developments in my art life, as well as real life, but before I get into some
Tablet Art: Smile For The Camera
Right. So, once again, there's been a gap in posting. There's been a gap in studioing, too (yes, I'm making that a verb). I had to spend a week performing my civic duty by serving on a jury in a particularly disturbing trial. If not for the subject matter, the whole experience was actually kind of interesting and rewarding. I have a new found understanding of and respect for the concept of a jury of one's peers. I'm glad to be back in the studio, though. The first tablet drawing I did (a few weeks ago, now), after finishing up
Gallery Update: Gasp! A Non-Witch Series Cover!
I'm still behind on posts, and I expect it to stay that way for a while. It's good to always have fuel for a post when I actually have the time to sit down and craft one. In current Toby events, after I finished up working on the subject of this post, not only did I return to more regular IPMDT panels, but also (are you ready for this?) returned to working on 10 Things! I know! I've been saying that forever, but I did! I actually dusted off that file and started pushing pixels around again on that project.
Gallery Update: More Witch Stuffage
I'm still trying to catch up to current projects in these blog posts, which I'm making more challenging for myself by continuing to produce work...which is a good thing. More on that subject later. Hot on the heels of finishing the cover for the fourth installment of L.S. Gagnon's Little Witch Series, I was asked to come up with four story illustrations, one for each of the four original books. I had some general guidelines about what scenes to represent, but was otherwise left to do what I do. This was a very interesting and fun exercise. The images were
Please let me know what you think, it makes my brain happy.