Gallery Update: The Little Witch Book 4
So much for my unofficial resolution to update the site once a week, oops! I was otherwise swamped working on the latest commission, which I think is done and just awaiting final approval and payment, and for the first time it wasn't for author L.S. Gagnon! I guess I'm branching out a little. I'll get into the challenges I faced on that cover when I post about it, but basically I had to employ some new tricks, build a few more brushes, and in general push my skills. As usual, to my eye, the final product has some issues that
Gallery Update: Passions Collide
I've been back tracking and posting about art that I created around xmas 2016, but let's do a little time traveling to before that, to Novemberish. Those who know me well know that I have two main passions: art, and "exercise". I put "exercise" in quotes, because that's not an entirely accurate label. Movement might be a better term, I simply like to move, whether it's hoisting weights and odd objects, gymnastics and handbalancing, calisthenics, snowboarding, hiking, bike riding, kayaking...if it involves moving through space and physically challenging myself, I'm excited about it. One subcategory that I've devoted a considerable
Gallery Update: It’s Plunger Monkey Xmas Time!
Just because it's February doesn't mean we can't still talk about last xmas, right? Well, tough, I'm doing it anyway. At some point, several years ago, my siblings and I declared that we didn't want to exchange gifts around xmas time anymore, being that we were all self-sufficient adults and all, but we'd still give gifts to each other's kids. This was supposed to extend across to our parents not giving us anything anymore (which they completely ignored) while we secretly got things for them. Eventually, we "kids" started coordinating on a group gift for mom and dad. We've sent them
Gallery Update: Ivy (and other goings-on)
Yet another catch-up post (not ketchup...that would be messy) from before xmas. As I've stated in other posts, I've developed this habit of digitally painting portraits of people's pets (Mr. Flangheddy, the best freshmen and junior year high school English teacher, would be proud of my alliteration). This time around, it was for my cousin and his wife's dog, Ivy. She was the first dog they had as a couple, and her passing was really tough for both of them. I had planned to do my usual painting and surprise them with it. However, after I had already started working
Gallery Update: Merry Plunger-mas!
The first month of 2o17 is almost in the books, but it's not too late to post about xmas, right? I hope not, because I have several posts coming up somewhat related to that. I've been trying to finish up the book cover for the fourth Thea: The Little Witch series. I'm currently awaiting approval. I still have a handful of illustrations, plus a book cover for another author, awaiting me, but, I don't want to fall too far behind on postings. I haven't had the time to work on IPMDT while working on the cover, but I hope to
Gallery Update: I Haven’t Posted Since Last Year! And Other Hilarious Jokes…
Alright, that title was the only joke, and not much of one at that. Unless you consider me or this site a joke (or the fact that I first posted this blog post in the gallery instead of on my blog...)...but at least you're here... Anywhat, I thought the tail end of 2016 was crazy, project-wise, but the start of 2017 is looking even more packed, with some actual paid illustration work mixed in there! As far as the last projects of last year, I'll be posting about each of them in the coming weeks (that't the plan, anyway), but
Please let me know what you think, it makes my brain happy.