Gallery Update: Let There Be Star Wars!
On December 15th, the wife and I decided to surprise the kids after school by taking them to the first pre-opening day showing of Rogue One (yes, I thought it was awesome. This is not news). For a while now, I've been thinking it would be fun to do some PMD illustrations outside of IPMDT to commemorate certain events or happenings. Star Wars Rogue One was the perfect event, given the overall significance of Star Wars in my creative life. I've always thought of Plunger Monkey as somewhat of my alter ego, a manifestation of some of the crazier parts
Insert Clever Title Here
Alright, trying to get back into some kind of productive nightly ritual and put my tablet to good use. I have several other post ideas, but I'm skipping over those to get to this one...I just can't come up with a title... I love working digitally, but I miss "traditional" media. It's part of the reason I've been drawing It's Plunger Monkey Dynamo Time! exclusively the old-fashioned way, then scanning, tweaking, and formating the panels into strips. I like the feel of pencil and ink on different textures of paper. I like erasing the pencil lines to fully reveal the
Life Lately and Happy Turkeys!
(Given the date, I should stick a link in here to Turkey Man, my Thanksgiving Super Hero drawing from a long, long, long time ago to start this post. I also ought to do a current version of him at some point...) So, as I was checking in on my almost non-existent site stats, I realized it's been over a month since my last post! That's a bit too long. I do more frequent posting/updates to the Face Book page and my Instagram account, but I do want to stay more active here. But, as I've said before, if I have
Tablet Art: Making Technological Frustrations Mobile!
Okay, a couple of things right off the bat. First, dang it's been a long time since I've posted! There's been lots of "life" stuff going on, plus, it's Inktober! I've been trying to spend my evening hours pumping out It's Plunger Monkey Dynamo Time! panels rather than trying to update this place. Given a choice, I'm usually going to chose to draw, which is good, I guess, though if I don't put myself and my work "out there" via this place and FB and Instagram etc, then my theme park dreams are going to be hard to realize...Anywhat, most
Gallery Update: We’re Off to See the Witches…
Well, it's been quite a while since my last post, so much for the tablet making things easier! Actually, I've just been opting to draw in the evenings (on the tablet) rather than make updates. I should probably just set aside one particular evening or something and be consistent with it. I was actually in the middle of a post last night, but the tablet dipped below 60% battery life, which is when it flakes out and reboots itself. I was hopeful that a draft had been autosaved before that happened, but apparently not. Grumble grumble. Anywhat, while I haven't
Gallery Update: Moleskin Madness! Part C-Bell Unleashed
Yeah, I'm loving having this tablet to sneak in some extra work on. Not as much drawing on it at night as I would like yet, a lot of learning curve stuff for file management and customization and such, but it's great for updating this place. Speaking of updating, I'll give a quick rundown of what I've been working on before tackling the subject of this post. I didn't get anything done on IPMDT! today. I made a requested tweak to my latest cover for one of L.S. Gagnon's witch books, then I started working on the next one. It
Please let me know what you think, it makes my brain happy.