Gallery Update: Moleskin Madness! Part 2-The Camping Strikes Back
Yes, kiddos, this is indeed my THIRD post this week. Having this tablet allows me to putter away at things during times when I'd normally not be able to be very productive (though right now, given the time of day, I could be in my studio, but I'm still recovering from being sick, my foot hurts, and lounging on the couch with my leg up is much more appealing than being in my studio chair right now). Alright, time for round two of the recent moleskin sketching bonanza. These sketches were done while I was at Camp Carpenter with my youngest
Studio Stuff: My New Grown Up Pencil Box
What?! Another blog post?! Yes! Is the world coming to an end? I have no idea, but I'm going with "no". I'm really loving having this digital sketchbook/tablet to get some work done at night. While unwinding in front of the tv, I did some relaxed doodling on a digital sketch I started last week at camp (I think I'm done with it, I'll post it at some point), I uploaded another batch of moleskin sketches to the gallery (the post about those will come later this week), and now I'm writing this here post about my snazzy new pen
Gallery Update: Moleskin Madness! Part One-Enter the Random
Phew! I'm back! I managed to get quite a bit of drawing in during my two weeks at camp, thanks to my trusty moleskin sketchbook. However, I'm so behind on updating this site, that I still have some moleskin sketches from before I left to share. I don't want to overload anyone with a super image intense post, so I'll do this in three parts (all with snazzy titles). This particular post will contain the stuff from before camp, the second post will be from my first week of camp, and the third post will encompass my sketches from the
Life and Stuff…
Wow, it's been quite a while, hasn't it? There are lots of reasons for that. Summer vacation started, which means my studio hours get seriously truncated and interrupted. Two of my sons decided to have medical problems that required some surgery (one of them an emergency case, but both are fine and back to driving each other nuts). I finally got the help I needed to do some serious repairs to my barn. Basically: life. It's a struggle not to get swept up in the frustration of not having enough studio time, let alone time to keep this website up
R.I.P. Mr. Sketchbook MacDougal
Alright, short on time, so just a quick-ish update. First off, in reference to the title of this post...you probably had to be there to appreciate it, but, many moons ago, my best friend Jorj and I were fresh out of college, trying to find something to do with our lives and our art. We decided to start planning the ultimate video game that mashed up all the different genres of games we loved. We were tossing around story ideas, and then characters and monsters. We were trying to come up with a list of names and sort of work
Studio Stuff: Comics, Comics, Comics, Comics, Part 2-The Comics-ing
May 7th was Free Comic Book Day this year. Last year we hit up one of our favorite comic book stores after a Cub Scout event, and this year was the same (though the events were different). Apparently we shelled out enough dough last year, and on some more unique books than the standard fare, that the owner actually remembered us and had some suggestions to boot. I still have quite a few things that I haven't gotten around to reading yet, I think I just need to shut myself in my studio for a day or two and do
Please let me know what you think, it makes my brain happy.