Gallery Update: Animal Totem Cards
If you've been following me on The Facebooks, you know that a big event in the real world happened last week: namely my middle son and his den crossed over from Cub Scouts into Boy Scouts. I have very strong and fond memories of my own crossover, so as their den leader, I felt compelled to somehow connect my experience to theirs. One of the memorable parts of our Arrow of Light ceremony was that our Cub Master, dressed in full Native American regalia (which isn't kosher these days for good reason), gave each of us an animal name (a
Gallery Update: Look! Up in the Sky! It’s a Bird! It’s a…Well, It Is a Bird…
It's been far too long since I've updated the site (I hate how much I say that...I hate how much I say "I hate how much I say that" when referencing how long it's been since I've updated the site, too). As usual: life. I have something biggish planned that is slowly in the works. I was close to having it ready last week, but ran into a hiccup. I'm excited about it, but y'all will just have to be excited about my vagueness...though if you've been paying attention to the tobysbrain facebook page, you've probably already got an idea
Gallery Update: Plunger Monkey in the Mail
The end of February isn't too late to talk about last xmas, is it? Or the last five xmases? I'm still catching up on blog post ideas I had but didn't have the studio time to put together. Anyway, at some point over the last several years, I started trying to personalize a few of the annual xmas card envelopes with some PMD themed randomness. I think I started out with just 3 recipients, but now I'm up to 6 or so. If I had the time (and the ideas), I would do it for everyone I send a card
Gallery Update: My Face x100!!!!
With all the ups and downs in studio time I experience, I'm pretty happy to have pumped out the 100th cartoon self portrait. I've gotten a lot more comfortable drawing myself without picture reference and I'm much more willing to push expressions to their extremes without crossing that undefined "realism" line. Now that I have 100 under my belt, I'll be looking to change things up a little. I haven't figured out how, yet, but I think this milestone is a good point for it, whatever it will be. I'll still continue doing the daily self-portraits, they have become a
Gallery Update: 80 Shades of (Toby) Gray…
If you've been following me on the Book of Faces, then you know I'm still chugging away on the whole manga self-portrait thing. My style has been developing, and I'm quite pleased with several of the drawings, but I don't think I'm producing consistent enough images yet. I'm getting a little too caught up in the abstraction of the linemaking (something I've always loved) and often forgetting to pay attention to the underlying anatomy. I'll get there, though. Here are the next 32 portraits, collage-style. #56 is NOT supposed to be my Steven Segal face...+ When I got
Gallery Update: Pet Portraits
Hey, another week, another update! Consistency! I'm still trying to catch up on some of those blog post ideas I've mentioned several times now. I have a few more to go. I finished up a page in 10 Things and I was slowly trying to wrap my head around the next, very complex page when I got the go ahead to rework another project, which will tie me up for most of the week, I think. I've continued with the daily manga self-portraits. It's getting tougher to come up with interesting expressions, but I'm still finding ways to have fun
Please let me know what you think, it makes my brain happy.