TOBY’S BRAIN: The Words (blog)

Gallery Update: Dragon Rider

I was thinking about doing that PMD retrospectivey thingy post, but as I was combing through old sketchbooks and accumulating a ton of photos that I need to edit before posting, I realized I don't have copies of some of the cards (and possibly envelopes) I've made over the years. I know I don't have an image of the card I made for my best friend Jorj when he got married several years ago. I have a sketch of a birthday card but no idea who it was for and I have no copy of the finished card. So, if

May 18th, 2015|0 Comments

Gallery Update: One Last Mother’s Day Card…and something special…

Alright, before we get too much further out from Mother's Day 2015, I wanted to post up the card I made for my sister-in-law and my brother, who are expecting their first child soon. They'll make great parents, with or without any assistance or advice from Plunger Monkey. Doing custom, personalized, hand drawn cards is usually my way of saying how important people are to me, or how happy I am for something that's going on in their lives. I'm not sure if everyone notices, but the box on the front of the card appears to say "baby supplies", but

May 15th, 2015|2 Comments

Gallery Update: Willy McEyeballs

So tonight was our oldest son's 6th grade band concert. I tend to get antsy at these because there's so many people. I've been thinking lately that I need to do more sketch book sketching anyway, so I grabbed a fresh moleskin sketch book and mechanical pencil to give me something to do while listening to the band and to take my mind off the throngs of people. I used to carry a moleskin all the time, but I found it cumbersome. I need more pockets. I was excited to be able to draw on my phone, but I

May 14th, 2015|0 Comments

Gallery Update: Mother’s Day Mega Update

Happy belated Mother's Day! I'm either one or two days late, depending on how much longer this monster site update actually takes. We traveled to see family for the actual holiday, and the inescapable mundanities of life kept me from working in the studio, and getting to this update, until everyone else was in bed for the night. I also lost a chunk of the day to actually tracking down all the art I needed to photograph for this post. Speaking of this post...on to the actual post! (WARNING: this is going to be a longish one with lots of

May 12th, 2015|6 Comments

Gallery Update: Sketchbook Archaeology

I was flipping through an old, hardly used sketch book yesterday and stumbled upon some drawings from 2009ish that I really liked (well, as much as I ever like any of my own art, I tend to be very self-critical). This featured image here is a Crab Raccoon...if you couldn't tell. My friend Jorj had mentioned that one of his daughters always mispronounced "crab rangoons" as "crab raccoons", so we decided we had to draw it. This was my vision of such a critter. It was relatively quick, but lots of fun at the time as this was towards the

May 7th, 2015|0 Comments

Studio Stuff: Comics Comics Comics Comics…

Happy Star Wars Day! One of many scores I made during a Free Comic Book Day sale. This hard cover contains issues 1-44, plus an annual from Marvel's original Star Wars run. I actually own a copy of issue #1, but have never read anything beyond it, so I'm looking forward to this classic. I was a fan of the Dark Horse runs of various Star Wars Expanded Universe titles, but it's kind of interesting that SW is now back at Marvel via the Disney acquisition.   So, this past Saturday, May 2nd, was Free Comic

May 4th, 2015|1 Comment

Please let me know what you think, it makes my brain happy.

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