Inktober 2022 Wrap Up
Hey look, my, like fourth blog post this year? I need to be better about that... Anymonkeys, it's almost a full month late, but I finally finished Inktober 2022. I'll admit I struggled with a lot of the prompts this year. The ideas didn't come as quickly or easily as previous years. It was a nice challenge, though. It forced me to dig a little deeper and think a little more creatively, and, as always, I had a ton of fun. Since I decided to start collecting these illustrations in book form every few years, I tried to think
Lee’s Dragons: Bird Dragon
So, how ya doin'? It's been a bit. Again. I haven't been very good about updating the content on this here digital manifestation of my Brain this year. I have been keeping busy, though. Aside from basic sketching practice, the vast majority of my studio time this year has been consumed by my Inktober illustrated book Inklings. It has been a ton of work, particularly since I designed three whole fonts and embellishments just for it. I may slap together a post about it at some point. Or maybe not. If you want to catch up and continue to follow
Happy Mother’s Day 2022!
Happy Mother's Day 2022 to all the moms out there, but especially my wife and my own mother. It's been a little while since I've updated my website or posted a blog, but fear not, I have been busy in the studio. You can get near daily updates on what I'm working on by following me on Facebook or Instagram, but to sum things up, I've been working on a book project...but before I get into that, it's time to debut this year's Mother's Day card for my wonderful, talented, hard-working, patient, understanding wife! I rely on her for
The Gi Coat 2.0: The Beast Coat
I. Am. Tired. BUT, at long last, my latest wool coat creation is complete (except for maybe some random adjustments that come up after wearing it around a while)! It's built off of one of the first sewing projects I did several years ago: my "Gi Coat". I've been a martial artist since 1995, and I have a great appreciation for martial arts related fashion (and Asian fashion in general). I've always liked the simplicity of my karate gi, overlap one side on the other and fasten with a couple of ties. That first wool gi coat I
PMD Xmas Card Envelopes 2021
Somehow, here we are in 2022. I intend to do a year in review style post about 2021, which should be...interesting. I didn't post here as much as I intended, and I dropped the ball on a lot of goals I had set at the start of the year. But, I think I did accomplish a lot, some of which wasn't on that goal list (at least initially). Before that post, though, I have to do the annual sharing of the xmas card envelopes. For anyone new here (which, given my stats and how little time I have to
Inktober 2021 Wrap Up
Here we are, another year, another Inktober infused with plungers and monkeys (everyone's favorite plunger-wearing monkey, specifically). I've taken to doing these recaps/wrap ups at the end of the challenge, but this one will be a bit of a general "what's been going on?" as well, since I've barely posted anything here this year. If you follow me on my other social media thingies, then you know I've been staying busy. I'll do an end of year/year in review post like I usually do, but just in general, I'm a bit off of the goals I set for myself
Please let me know what you think, it makes my brain happy.