What Time Is It?
It's Plunger Monkey Dynamo Time! (That's the answer to the question/title of this post...in case you didn't read the title) Did you happen to notice? I posted a new IPMDT strip for the first time in, like, a year. Literally. I had said a week or so ago that I was aiming to start working on the strip again this past Monday (which happened to be June 1. Now, I view dates as random in general, but sometimes certain things happen on certain dates and the coincidence makes my Brain happy. First IPMDT panel in a year on the
Happy Mother’s Day, 2020!
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. It is a very weird situation to try to celebrate the people in our lives that have played such vital roles during a pandemic when we can't, or shouldn't, be physically close. Whether it's my own mother, my grandmother, my wife, my sister, my aunts...all the mothers in my life and my family have had a positive impact on my life, and it's very fair to say I wouldn't be here in one way or another without their love and support over the years. I love you all, and thank
So, Uh, How’s Everybody Doing?
It's been a while since I've posted anything. I've been mostly keeping up with the shorter posts on FB and Instagram, but I thought I might get a little rambly, so I figured a blog post might be better. First up, we are all healthy and fine in our household, and so far I can say the same for my extended family. Having the kids home to do virtual learning is going okay, but it has plenty of challenges. It's about as disruptive to my studio plans as summer vacation, but the important thing is is that everyone is
New Shirt Update: It’s Plunger Monkey Dynamo Time 2.0!
Hey, look at that! Another new shirt already! We are 3 months in to 2020 and I'm still on pace for my goal of 6 new shirts this year, so that's good. I turned this one around relatively quickly (for me), but then again, it's not a super complex image. Then again this is me we're talking about, and I could very easily have spent another several weeks spinning my wheels, noodling around on details and variations and second guessing myself and never being ready to call this one "done". I have found that generally I need to force
New Shirt Update: Samurai Helmet
A bit longer in the making than I intended, but my first shirt offering of 2020 is finally done and available over at my Etsy store, Plunger Monkey Designs! This started as a potential embroidered patch design for a karate friend's bike club, but we went with a different image. I liked the sketch enough, and I had thought about a samurai helmet design before, that I turned it into a shirt (and potential sticker). This is another "theme" image, I have several other ideas to turn this into a series. I have always had a bit of
Year End Review
As I currently type, we are being smacked with a snow/ice/sleet/thunderstorm. Hopefully the power stays on long enough for me to finish this and get it posted. 2019 has simultaneously felt incredibly long and stupidly short (like, really? There's only one more day left of 2019?). Before I get into everything that did (and didn't) happen this year, who wants to check out the annual xmas card envelope art? Anyone? Your opinion is irrelevant, because I'm going to show them anyway. This was the first envelope I drew in 2019, and it went to my sister. One of
Please let me know what you think, it makes my brain happy.