STOP! Moleskin Time.
Hey, look at that. I posted last week and said I would post this week, and here I am doing what I said I was going to do. Time to post the annual summer camp moleskin sketches. As I mentioned last week, summer camp this year was an emotionally challenging one for me. It is the first year since I became a leader and started attending summer camp that my middle son did not camp. My oldest son has always been more on the extroverted side with plenty of self-confidence when it's needed. He was the one who wanted
Obsession, Compulsion, and a Hobby.
So. This is my first post in how long? I have no idea where the summer has gone. That's a lie. Time passes as it always does, and I continue to be oblivious to it's passage until a big enough chunk of it to be noticed has slipped away. I also am aware of the things I've been doing or otherwise occupied by that have used up that time. Today is another day in a long line of days like today: too many things I want to do, too many things I need to do, too many things others
Just read through all the PMD strips in sequence…a fun ride to be sure…can’t wait to see what happens in the labyrinth!
Hey, did you sell another PM Ninja to somebody else???
Yes! A friend’s wife (who is also a friend. I realized it might be a gift, so I’ll avoid posting names for the time being) ordered one! (Thank you, by the way, Tami. I expect pictures…)
A beautiful, touching tribute to our parents, grandparents, great grandparents (great-great grandparents?). Thanks ever so much for that.