Gallery Update: Inktober 2018 Wrap Up
We're just over a week into November, so I guess I should finally get around to this here wrap up post about Inktober 2018. I believe (according to the art in my files) that my first foray into Inktobering was in 2015. It was a fun little challenge put out by comic artist and illustrator Jake Parker years prior. The idea was to improve one's inking skills by doing one ink drawing a day (presumably on top of whatever other projects one might have). I don't know if it was from the beginning or not, but at some point he
Here Be LEE’s Dragons
Well, it's a few weeks late, but I finally pulled off the next phase of my wife's birthday giftage: custom shirts depicting the dragons I draw for her birthday. I attempted yet another new process, and I had to hide my work from her again, and life was getting in the way, but, I got it done. Right now, her shirts are the only ones. If there's enough interest or encouragement, I may release them to the public at large as their own line of shirts: Lee's Dragons. Anyway, about that new process. I uploaded all the layered PSD
Just read through all the PMD strips in sequence…a fun ride to be sure…can’t wait to see what happens in the labyrinth!
Hey, did you sell another PM Ninja to somebody else???
Yes! A friend’s wife (who is also a friend. I realized it might be a gift, so I’ll avoid posting names for the time being) ordered one! (Thank you, by the way, Tami. I expect pictures…)
A beautiful, touching tribute to our parents, grandparents, great grandparents (great-great grandparents?). Thanks ever so much for that.