Get Your Cephalopod On! Literally!

Well, it's not Monday, but I'm finally getting around to this here blog post in conjunction with the next shirt available for purchase. I made a bunch of little tweaks to this one, which started out looking like this: This is the Multi Purpose Novelty Squid. I was fairly happy with this rendering back when I made it, and it holds up reasonably well to me now. I never really liked the text, though, and overall it just seemed to be missing something. Here's the updated version: The re-envisioned Multi Purpose Novelty Squid shirt! I apparently

March 29th, 2018|2 Comments

Another Torso Decoration for You, and One for Me!

Wow, four weeks, four shirts posted to my Etsy shop! So far, I'm sticking to alternating between a PMD related shirt and some of my other designs, we'll see how long that holds up, especially as I get through the existing designs and start generating new stuff. I actually didn't tweak this week's design at all. It's a simple, bold, graphic image that I am still fairly happy with, so I decided not to muck with it. Here's what I had to say about this image in the Etsy posting: This image is clearly inspired by famous Japanese

March 19th, 2018|0 Comments


  1. william gray March 8, 2018 at 5:43 pm

    Just read through all the PMD strips in sequence…a fun ride to be sure…can’t wait to see what happens in the labyrinth!

  2. william gray March 16, 2018 at 6:49 pm

    Hey, did you sell another PM Ninja to somebody else???

  3. Tobywan March 16, 2018 at 7:42 pm

    Yes! A friend’s wife (who is also a friend. I realized it might be a gift, so I’ll avoid posting names for the time being) ordered one! (Thank you, by the way, Tami. I expect pictures…)

  4. Duncan Gray August 7, 2020 at 12:56 pm

    A beautiful, touching tribute to our parents, grandparents, great grandparents (great-great grandparents?). Thanks ever so much for that.

Please let me know what you think, it makes my brain happy.

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