PMD Xmas Card Envelopes and 2022 Year in Review…and how the heck is it 2023?!?

Another year, another...something? As cliched as it is to say, I'm baffled that another year has slipped by. On the one hand, it's great we all made it through to be reading (or writing in my case) this here blog post. On the other hand...where did the time go? I don't often think about how old I am, and the fact that I keep getting older (though I do think about other people getting older, strangely), but more and more these days I am aware of my age and just how many things I still haven't managed to accomplish. It's

January 3rd, 2023|0 Comments

Inktober 2022 Wrap Up

Hey look, my, like fourth blog post this year? I need to be better about that... Anymonkeys, it's almost a full month late, but I finally finished Inktober 2022. I'll admit I struggled with a lot of the prompts this year. The ideas didn't come as quickly or easily as previous years. It was a nice challenge, though. It forced me to dig a little deeper and think a little more creatively, and, as always, I had a ton of fun. Since I decided to start collecting these illustrations in book form every few years, I tried to think

November 29th, 2022|0 Comments


  1. william gray March 8, 2018 at 5:43 pm

    Just read through all the PMD strips in sequence…a fun ride to be sure…can’t wait to see what happens in the labyrinth!

  2. william gray March 16, 2018 at 6:49 pm

    Hey, did you sell another PM Ninja to somebody else???

  3. Tobywan March 16, 2018 at 7:42 pm

    Yes! A friend’s wife (who is also a friend. I realized it might be a gift, so I’ll avoid posting names for the time being) ordered one! (Thank you, by the way, Tami. I expect pictures…)

  4. Duncan Gray August 7, 2020 at 12:56 pm

    A beautiful, touching tribute to our parents, grandparents, great grandparents (great-great grandparents?). Thanks ever so much for that.

Please let me know what you think, it makes my brain happy.

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