TOBY’S BRAIN: The Words (blog)


Well, it's the first full week of school, and with all the after school stuff going on, the start up of Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts looming, family events, and other obligations and projects, I haven't settled into a studio schedule yet. However, I do try to take advantage of whatever un-busy moments I have to read about and learn new things, like this: Testing, this thing on? I watched a great Phlearn YouTube tutorial recently on how to make GIFs and videos in Photoshop. I decided I'd "quickly" try to throw together a process evolution of

September 2nd, 2015|0 Comments

Stuff and Things

Well, this is by far the longest I've gone between site updates since before I started this website (think about that a moment...). Where the heck have I been? What have I been up to? Why is the typical Monday update happening on a Thursday? Why are squids? Please, hold all your questions until the end, but since you asked: It's been summer vacation, which means my studio time has been sporadic to non-existent whilst the kids are home, running amok. I've been being the stay-at-home dad, dealing with fights, bickering, complaints, etc. But we've also manage to have a

August 27th, 2015|0 Comments

Sketchbook: Camp Sketches

The relentlessly hectic pace of summer continues on. I spent last week at Cub Scout camp with my two youngest boys. It was a great week. We had beautiful weather and the boys were all well behaved and had a lot of fun. It was a little bitter-sweet for me, as the week drew to a close, it really started to sink in that this was my middle son's last year of Cub Scout camp. He's been 3 years in a row, and I've attended with him each time. I've watched my shy, introverted son who feared anything new grow

August 10th, 2015|0 Comments

Sketchbook: I Hate the Way I Draw Heads…

It's been a jam-packed, busy week, so I don't have much of an update, unfortunately. I did a little sketching last week, still trying to work on the composition for that piece of concept art in my last entry. A bit of a combination of the previous two layouts. I'm going to have to gather some visual references to help me define the plateau these characters are standing on so it looks like they are way up in the mountains and not standing in a field with mountains in the distance. That edge of ground back there should appear

July 27th, 2015|0 Comments

Work In Progress: Revisiting Some Old Wilhelm Concept Art

As expected, the summer schedule is mucking with my studio schedule, which means art making is more sporadic, leading to inconsistent site updates. My apologies. I am somehow still managing to make progress towards some goals, but it is slower than I'd like. Anywhat, this happened a few nights ago: Some good ol' fireside sketching. The boys built a fire pit last summer, and we've been trying to make good use of it. I hadn't done much drawing in the previous two weeks, tied up with the normal summer "life" obligations as well as creating a business card

July 21st, 2015|1 Comment

Studio Stuff: The Yin Yang Hat

Since I was crazy busy last week getting ready for company to spend the weekend while simultaneously getting my oldest ready for his week at Boy Scout camp, today is the perfect day for a Studio Stuff update. Meet The Yin Yang Hat. I bought this hat my senior year of college, partly because it's fun and cool, but also as a stab at some self therapy. You see, I've always struggled with self esteem/self worth. It's a bit better now that I'm older, but I still deal with it. Back in 1999, I was pretty depressed. I

July 13th, 2015|1 Comment

Please let me know what you think, it makes my brain happy.

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