TOBY’S BRAIN: The Words (blog)

Gallery Update: Random Doodle-age

As I mentioned sometime last week, I've opted to put 10 Things on hold for a bit and put some effort into a handful of t-shirt designs so I can get my Etsy store up and running.  I have 3, in addition to the It's Plunger Monkey Dynamo Time shirt,  PMD designs that are almost done, another one that's in sketch form, and then several non-PMD more graphic designs that I think might be cool.The original plan was to pump them all out in a week, but I grossly underestimated how much time my obsessive self would take to finish

March 12th, 2015|3 Comments

Studio Stuff/Influences: Bill Watterson’s Calvin and Hobbes

I'm adding a sub-category to this Studio Stuff installment called Influences. No matter who you are or what you do, someone or something has influenced you along the way. As an artist, I have many influences, but one of the biggest has to be Bill Watterson and his brilliant Calvin and Hobbes newspaper strip. My original Calvin and Hobbes collection...I think this is all of them. I let the kids have access to them, so they frequently disappear and get left in odd places...which has a certain Calvin spirit to it. If you don't love Calvin and Hobbes,

March 9th, 2015|0 Comments


Well, I think I'm going to call this page done for now, other than some tweaks I'll do when I go back through all the pages of this children's book... Please, no more Macedonians... I don't even know how many hours I put into this page, but it's got to be close to the combined total for all the preceding pages, even with all the cut and paste "cheats" Photoshop affords me. For those who don't remember, I'm trying to illustrate a children's book based on The Announcer's test, partially popularized by Jerry Lewis, that I learned at

March 5th, 2015|0 Comments

Studio Stuff: Dynamic Anatomy by Burne Hogarth

I keep my prized reference books well guarded at all times. If you know me, you know I love books (and comic books/graphic novels). If you've been in my studio (or you've seen the picture of me at my desk on the About Toby page), it's readily apparent. I'm forever running out of shelf space and daydreaming ways to add more shelving (fortunately Lee and the kids are on board for this in the rest of the house, too). I'm not a terribly materialistic person (I think), I don't like having stuff for stuff's sake or accumulating clutter

March 2nd, 2015|2 Comments

Coming Soon to a Torso Near You!

What?! Two updates in the same week? Is it time for that announcement?! How?! Who?! Where?! Taco?! Okay, two reasons for two updates this week.  First, the kids are on vacation next week, so I know my studio time is going to be compromised. While I won't have to deal with making lunches and helping with homework and getting them to and from bus stops and waking them up on time (who am I kidding, Lee picks up my slack on a lot of that too), they will be around.  Interrupting.  Fighting. Yelling. Demanding to be fed and other ridiculousness.

February 20th, 2015|5 Comments

Studio Stuff: Pepere’s Lamp

The truth is out there (in my studio)! Okay, I'm a day late in my update, there were lots of confounding variables yesterday that prevented me from sticking with my Monday update schedule. Hopefully I'll be consistent in the future, but I'm sure I'll slip up here and there, because life and stuff. Anywhat, I still have some old art to go through and edit to add to the gallery, but, since I've missed some studio time recently due to a computer rebuild (courtesy of my lovely and talented wife/tech department, I couldn't function in the "modern age"

February 18th, 2015|5 Comments

Please let me know what you think, it makes my brain happy.

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