TOBY’S BRAIN: The Words (blog)

Happy New Year (two and a half weeks ago)!

This really ought to be broken up into several different posts, but I know the way my life works and I'm already a solid month behind when some of these updates should have been made to be even remotely timely. So, you're going to deal with a monster update and like it! Where to start? Well, as happens to many, life got very busy the closer we got to the end of December. I stayed busy with some studio projects, but many of them were gift related so I had to keep quiet about them. At this point, I'm

January 17th, 2019|0 Comments


I've been absent from the blog for a while, but that's pretty normal these days. However, I've still been getting in the studio, but this last week has been particularly unusual. I think I'm viral. No! Wait! Don't leave! I'm not contagious! You see, on November 29th, while I was sitting on the couch eating breakfast (yes, I eat on the couch and not at a table, I'm a heathen), my wife walked in from her office and glanced out the window towards the back yard. She saw a bobcat sneaking around. We watched him for a while, and

December 7th, 2018|0 Comments

Make Mine Marvel

Well, true believers, I don't have it in me to be particularly fun and witty right now. It wouldn't be terribly appropriate, either. I'm guessing if you're a regular reader (all 2 of you) or if you've found your way here somehow, you probably know who Stan Lee is and undoubtedly heard about his passing on November 12, 2018. His is a name that can be placed on the same list of world renowned creators who have had a major impact not just on future generations of creators but on entire cultures alongside the likes of Walt Disney (and

November 15th, 2018|0 Comments

Gallery Update: Inktober 2018 Wrap Up

We're just over a week into November, so I guess I should finally get around to this here wrap up post about Inktober 2018. I believe (according to the art in my files) that my first foray into Inktobering was in 2015. It was a fun little challenge put out by comic artist and illustrator Jake Parker years prior. The idea was to improve one's inking skills by doing one ink drawing a day (presumably on top of whatever other projects one might have). I don't know if it was from the beginning or not, but at some point he

November 8th, 2018|0 Comments

Here Be LEE’s Dragons

Well, it's a few weeks late, but I finally pulled off the next phase of my wife's birthday giftage: custom shirts depicting the dragons I draw for her birthday. I attempted yet another new process, and I had to hide my work from her again, and life was getting in the way, but, I got it done. Right now, her shirts are the only ones. If there's enough interest or encouragement, I may release them to the public at large as their own line of shirts: Lee's Dragons. Anyway, about that new process. I uploaded all the layered PSD

October 8th, 2018|0 Comments

Gallery Update: Here Be Dragons!

Everyone loves dragons, right? Of course. But few love them as much as my wife. It's birthday time for my wife again, which means another dragon wallpaper from me! I went back to Procreate for this one and spent over a week noodling away at it. Here's a breakdown of how it came together. The first step to any art I create-whether it's digital or traditional, whether the media is pencil, ink, or paint-I start with a rough drawing. I knew I was going to draw a dragon. I even knew it would be a sea dragon, but

September 17th, 2018|0 Comments

Please let me know what you think, it makes my brain happy.

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